Rules and Regulations


El Campo Santo’s cemeteries have been in existence since the early 1800’s and continue to be a big part of the Atrisco Land Grant. Originally El Campo Santo’s cemeteries were specifically for heirs of the original Atrisco Land Grant. As time has moved forward however, El Campo Santo’s services have been called upon by many people in the community who are not heirs but choose to use our cemetery as a permanent resting place for their loved ones. El Campo Santo will continue to evolve as a company and will also continue to expand its services to the entire community.

General Information

El Campo Santo’s Office Hours of Operation

Monday-Friday-8:00 am 5:00 pm

Weekends and after 5:00 pm are by appointment only

Office Address:6260 Riverside Plaza Lane NW, Suite A

Albuquerque, NM 87120

Phone: (505) 836-0306;after hours (505)227-7353

*All families and visitors to El Campo Santo Cemetery are greatly encouraged to call the office with their comments and concerns*

Location of Cemeteries and Hours of Operation

San Jose de Armijo Cemetery

2957 Arenal Rd SW
Albuquerque, NM 87105
Winter/Fall Hours: 8:00 am to 5:00 pm
Spring/Summer hours: 8:00 am to 5:00 pm

Santa Clara Cemetery

611 Foothill Rd SW
Albuquerque, NM 87105
Gates are locked Monday-Friday
Saturday: 8:00 am- 5:00 pm
For weekday availability please call David at (505) 359-8628 or (505)227-7353

Envangelico Cemetery

3816 Blake Road SW
Albuquerque, NM 87105
Open year round from 8:00 am 7:00 pm
Winter Hours from 8:00 am 5:00 pm

El Campo Santo Cemetery Guidelines

I.) General Rules of Conduct for the General Public

a) Activities: Permission is needed from El Campo Santo Management to schedule any activities on cemetery premises.

b) Advertising and Solicitation: No person shall bring into the cemetery, or display therein, any sign of an advertising nature other than those normally placed on vehicles, uniforms or tents. ABSOLUTELY NO SOLICITATION OF ANY KIND PERMITTED IN THE CEMETERY. ALL ILLEGAL ACTIVITIES WILL BE REPORTED IMMEDIATELY TO THE PROPER AUTHORITIES and EL CAMPO SANTO MANAGEMENT.

c) Alcohol/Drugs: No beer, wine, liquor, other alcoholic products or illegal drugs are permitted within the cemetery grounds. No intoxicated or otherwise disorderly person will be permitted in or around the grounds.

d) Animals: No unattended animals will be allowed on the cemetery grounds.

e) Additions/Changes: Absolutely no additions/changes can be made to family graves without prior approval from El Campo Santo Management.

f) Children: No unattended children will be allowed on the cemetery grounds.

g) Clothing: Shirts and shoes must be worn at all times. Bathing suits or clothing with offensive language prints or designs are not in keeping with the spirit of respect and dignity of the Cemetery and are, therefore, not permitted.

h) Firearms: Absolutely no firearms are permitted except in connection with a military funeral or similar occasion; by law enforcement officers; or by special permission of El Campo Santo Management.

i) Harassment: No harassment of any kind toward El Campo Santo employees, contractors, visitors, or families will be tolerated and immediate action will be taken by calling the proper authorities.

j) Intrusion: Casual visitors to the cemetery, who are not members of the funeral procession or who have not come to visit a loved one may not intrude upon a funeral party or loiter about an open grave. Intrusion into the cemetery after authorized hours is trespassing and will be referred to law enforcement authorities.

k) Music: Only music that is in conjunction with an official function approved by El Campo Santo Management is authorized.

l) Noise: Loud conversations or offensive language is disruptive of the respectful atmosphere that is due the deceased and their surviving families and friends. Any visitors to our cemeteries are requested to comply with a spirit of respect while visiting any one of El Campo Santo’s cherished cemeteries.

m) RESPECT FOR PROPERTY OF OTHERS: No person or persons shall sit rest or lean on monuments, markers or statues. Any person who causes damage,
intentionally or unintentionally, is responsible for resulting damages and will be held responsible. All items left on grave sites are strictly the property of the families and are not to be disturbed or taken.

n) Smoking: smoking within the cemetery grounds is greatly discouraged.

o) Trash: Visitors should use established waste containers for the disposal of any trash. Left over construction materials need to be removed from the cemetery. No illegal dumping of any kind is allowed.

p) Violations: Any violations to any of the three El Campo Santo Cemeteries will result in action to correct the violation.

II.) Motor Vehicles and Traffic

a) Damage reporting: The operators of vehicles must immediately report to El Campo Santo Management any damage to trees, shrubbery, signs, fences, grave markers, monuments, utilities, pavilion, utilities, or cemetery structures caused by the vehicle within the cemetery.

b) Motor Bikes: Motorbikes are prohibited on cemetery premises other than for transportation. NO three or four wheelers or dirt bikes allowed on cemetery grounds.

c) Parking: There is sufficient parking within all three cemetery’s for funeral processions to park as well as visitors. ABSOLUTELY NO PARKING or driving on gravesites. Only authorized vehicles being used for approved activities are permitted off the roadways.

d) Speed Limits and Traffic Rules: Vehicles shall not be driven through the grounds at a speed greater than five (5) miles per hour or at otherwise posted speed limits. Vehicles must always be on the right side of the cemetery roadway. Vehicles may not be driven off road except under the supervision of El Campo Santo staff.

III.) Vegetation Management

a) Flowers and arrangements: Fresh and artificial flower arrangements will be removed when in the judgment of the grounds maintenance they become unsightly.

b) Picking vegetation: No person shall pluck or remove any plant or flower, either wild or cultivated, from any part of the cemetery without prior approval from El Campo Santo.

c) Vegetation Establishment and Removal: Permission from El Campo Santo Management is required before planting or removing trees, shrubbery or plants from the cemetery. El Campo Santo Management shall have authority to prune, remove or transplant any tree, shrub, plant or other vegetation upon any plot when such a course is deemed necessary for safety or the general well-being of the cemetery.

IV.) Prepaid Plots

Pre-paid Plots are available as follows:

a) General public: Pre-payment plot plans including Interment Services are available.

b) Heirs: Pre-payment plans are available for Interment Services Costs. For details or to set up an appointment call El Campo Santo Management (505) 836-0306 and speak to Anita Lucero.

V.) Space Selection

a) El Campo Santo is in the business of meeting our customer’s needs and requests. As such, a customer can choose the location he or she would like for the burial of their loved one. Freedom to choose a space is allowed if it has not already been reserved and is available. If there is no space available beside a loved one’s family member then the family must take the next line in the available section.  If the plot chosen by the family is located in the older part of the cemetery please note the following limitation: El Campo Santo cannot guarantee that all spaces in our older cemeteries are unoccupied until an inspection is made. Since our cemeteries are very old there are a number of unmarked graves. If the grave is occupied but not marked a different area must be chosen. Additionally, if a plot is chosen by a tree, El Campo Santo cannot be held responsible for future root damage that may occur to markers and or cement.

VI.) Interment and Disinterment

b) Arrangements: All burial arrangements must be made through the El Campo Santo office. Interments MUST be scheduled at least (24) hours prior to the funeral service.

c) Interment Fees: All fees must be paid prior to interment.

d) Disinterment: No disinterment will be allowed without proper documentation and authorization from all proper parties involved, including and but not limited to family, State and ECS Management.

e) Double Burials: No double burials are allowed at any of our cemeteries.

VII.) Rules for Plots

a) No covered structures, houses, carports, pitched roofs on the ground, roofs or cages.

b) All fences and/or shrines must be white or painted in earth tone colors. No fences larger than 3 feet high. No barbed wire.

c) No inverted bathtubs or washbasins as shrines.

d) No crucifixes or headstones over 3 feet high.

e) Headstones in the Cremains area must be flat and cannot exceed 24” x 12” for a single and 36” x 14” for a double.

f) No plot covering (including cement slab) to exceed (3 by 6)feet area.

g) Call the office at 836-0306 prior to building a cement covering for the grave. We will advise you of those specifications. Take your extra cement with you. Do not leave it for others to clean up or place in the trash cans. Please be prepared to dispose of extra cement properly.

h) No corrugated sheathing.

i) No excessive mounding of dirt on graves.

j) The Family must repair any sunken graves.

k) All decorative items, dead flowers, fake flowers, balloons, etc. must be removed monthly.

l) It is the families’ responsibility to keep their loved one’s area clean and free of debris. El Campo Santo cemeteries are not full-service cemeteries. To be full-service cemeteries, our burial rates would increase to compete with other cemeteries.

m) Family members and heirs will not be allowed to disinter the person buried in the grave site. El Campo Santo, Inc. does not and will not provide any services for disinterment. El Campo Santo is not responsible for taking any action to disinter any decedent buried in our cemeteries.

VIII.) Disclaimer of Responsibility

a) Disclaimer of Responsibility: El Campo Santo Inc. shall take reasonable precaution to protect interment rights owners and the general public from loss or damage; but it disclaims all responsibility for loss or damage caused beyond its reasonable control including, but not limited to, damage caused by the elements, Acts of God, war, thieves, vandals, malicious mischief makers, explosions, unavoidable accidents, invasions, insurrections, riots, or order of any military or civil authority whether the damage be direct or collateral, other than as therein provided.

b) Individuals or Groups visiting the Cemetery are responsible for their own safety.