El Campo Santo Burial Etiquette

Arrival time:

  • A reasonable time to arrive in about 15-20 minutes before the service starts. This allows ample time for parking and greeting the deceased loved ones.

Funeral Dress:

  • Attire should be low key and mellow. Loud colors should not be worn unless requested by the families of the decedent. Keep in mind that the focus needs to be on the deceased and their family.


  • Help children understand what is going on by preparing them ahead of time by explaining what happens during a funeral or burial service. Bringing a child or young adult to help say goodbye to their loved one can help in the grieving process.
  • Children should be supervised at all times.
  • Parents should educate their children that cemeteries are a place to show respect for their loved one who has passed. Running and jumping around the cemetery or graveside is not allowed.

Cell phones:

  • Cell phones should be on silent. Please silence your phone before entering the cemetery.


  • Chairs are for the immediate family or the elderly and disabled.
  • Be prepared to do some standing around the graveside.


  • Talking should not take place during the service.
  • Once the burial service is done conversations can resume.


  • Sending flowers, food or money is a sign of support for the family of the decedent. During the grieving process, this is a way to comfort the family and show that you care, without being intrusive.

What to say:

  • Words of comfort and support: i.e. “ I am sorry for your loss” “You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.” Remember simple and heartfelt is best.